There are 2 types of elderly care facilities
We already know that the elderly care institutions refer to the elderly
service organizations that provide services such as centralized living,
life care, rehabilitation care, spiritual comfort, culture and
entertainment for the elderly. The main service objects should be the
disabled and semi disabled elderly.
钢纤维 驱鸟设备 保定通风管道 塑料土工格栅 检查井模具 流水槽模具 锻造厂家 华尔街铜牛re facilities for the aged)是指为老年人提供集中照料服务的设施,是老年人全日照料设施和老年人日间照料设施的统称,属于公共建筑。
Although there are many kinds of appellations such as nursing homes,
nursing homes and apartments for the elderly on the market, there is a
unified name in the national standards and norms - elderly care
facilities. According to the Architectural Design Standards for Aged
Care Facilities (JGJ450-2018) officially implemented on October 1, 2018,
care facilities for the aged refer to facilities that provide
centralized care services for the elderly, and are collectively referred
to as full-time care facilities and daytime care facilities for the
elderly, belonging to public buildings