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一,喂奶妙招 One, the Suckling trick 喂奶时垫枕头: Feeding the pillow: 新妈妈的身体还没有完全恢复,宝宝每次吃奶都要10~20分钟,甚至更长,妈妈的胳膊后背难免酸痛,可以给妈妈喂奶时在后背靠一个软一点的支撑物,在胳膊底下也放一个软一点的枕头,让宝宝的重力落在枕头上,就不会感觉那么累,或者用一个现在比较流行的喂奶椅也可以解决问题。 New mother's body has not fully recovered, baby milk is 10 ~ 20 minutes every time, even longer, my mother's arm is sore back, can give the mother feeding on a soft support the back, under the arm also put a soft pillow, let the baby of the gravity on the pillow, you won't feel so tired, or with a more popular nursing chair can also solve the problem now. 母乳不足多喝水: Lack of breastfeeding: 如果感觉妈妈的母乳少,除了喝下奶汤以外还要多喝水,也可以多吃点水果,水果里的水分也很丰富。 If you feel your mother's breast milk is minimal, you should drink more water and eat more fruit, as well as plenty of water. 乳头皲裂试试小办法: Try a small way to crack a nipple: 可以试试将亚麻油涂在乳头上,这样做的好处是即使宝宝吃进去也不会给他来伤害,效果也不错,基本上两三天就好了。 Try to apply the oil to the nipple, and the benefit is that even if the baby is eating, it won't hurt him, and the effect is good, basically two or three days. 奶水增加需要一个过程: Increased milk demand requires a process: 母乳喂养是让很多妈妈感到紧张而激动的事情,妈妈们总是希望越早开始越好、奶量越丰富越好,不过,奶水的大量分泌是需要时间的,虽然母乳喂养是一件很自然的事情,但也需要妈妈的耐心和宝宝的配合,需要一个从不熟练到熟练的过程。 Many mothers breastfeeding is feeling nervous and excited, mothers always hope that the sooner you start, the better, the more rich milk supply, the better, however, is need time of milk secretion, while breastfeeding is a very natural thing, but also need mother baby's patience and cooperate, need a never to skilled skilled process. 边喂奶边吸奶: Side feeding side Suckling: 如果一侧乳房的乳汁就够宝宝吃的妈妈,可以在给宝宝喂奶的同时把另一侧的乳汁用吸奶器吸出来存储好,既节省时间又不浪费。 If the breast milk on one side of the breast is enough for the baby to eat the mother, can give the baby to nurse the milk on the other side of the milk sucker to suck out to be stored well, both save time and not waste. 二,心情调试 Ii. Adjustment of mood 多和新妈妈聊聊天: Chat with new moms: 很多新妈妈心情不好、脾气大的主要原因是她们一时难以适应自己的身份的转换,有了宝宝以后生活完全变了样,新妈妈不能像以前一样想做什么就做什么,不能和老公有自己私密的二人世界,再加上雌激素水平逐渐下降,新妈妈失落伤心是常有的事,这时候月嫂可以和产妇多聊聊天,让产妇的放松一下心情。 Many new mothers in a bad mood, temper big main reason is that they are difficult to adapt to their own identity transformation, with the baby later life completely changed, the new mother can't want to do what like before, can't and her husband have their own private world, coupled with the estrogen level gradually decline, new mother lost sad things happen all the time, her this time can chat with maternal, let women to relax the mood. 不要为减肥而心急: Don't worry about losing weight: 很多妈妈刚刚生完宝宝,就着急减肥,这时候月嫂要提醒妈妈们,身材的恢复是需要一个过程的,新妈妈不要想着生完宝宝以后,身材马上就能恢复如初,着急减肥少吃东西不仅对自己不利,也会影响宝宝。 Many mother has just given birth to the baby, he was in a hurry to lose weight, her this time to remind mothers, the shape of the recovery is needs a process, the new mother gave birth to the baby, don't think about body can recover soon, in a hurry to lose weight to eat less not only hurt yourself, also can affect the baby. 三,宝宝哭闹 Three, baby crying 要学会理解宝宝发出的信号: Learn to understand your baby's message: 宝宝哭的时候,可以用自己的食指绕着宝宝的小嘴转一圈,如果宝宝的小嘴随着你的食指转动而要寻找,就说明宝宝饿了;如果宝宝的小脸通红,全身使劲,就有可能是要拉臭臭,如果宝宝一切正常,还哭闹,那就说明宝宝可能要休息了。 When the baby cries, you can use your index finger around the baby's small mouth to turn around, if the baby's small mouth to move with your index finger to look for, it will indicate that the baby is hungry; If the baby's little face is red and the whole body is trying hard, it may be trying to stink. If the baby is normal and crying, then the baby may have to rest. 不要“关心过度”: Don't "care too much" : 很多月嫂只要一听到宝宝的哭声,马上就冲过把宝宝抱起来,有时候宝宝不哭不闹,月嫂也忍不住要不时地去看看宝宝是不是尿了,或者饿了,但是刚刚出生的小宝宝需要大量的睡眠时间,如果你总是去检查,打扰宝宝休息,也会导致宝宝哭闹。 Many month sister-in-law as long as heard the baby crying, rushing immediately picked the baby up and sometimes the baby don't cry not make, month sister-in-law couldn't resist from time to time to see if the baby urine, or hungry, but just born baby needs a lot of sleep time, if you always go to check, disturb the baby to rest, can also lead to the baby crying. 四,洗澡 Fourth, take a shower 耳朵不进洗澡水的好办法: A good way to avoid the bath water: 给宝宝洗澡时,可以用大拇指和无名指轻轻摁住宝宝的两个耳屏,再清洗面部。也可以将宝宝的脸侧向一边,先用一只手摁住宝宝一侧的耳屏,清洗一侧的脸,接下来再用相同的办法清洗另一侧。 When bathing the baby, use the thumb and ring fingers to gently press the baby's two earscreens and then wash the face. You can also turn your baby's face sideways, press the ear screen on the side of the baby with one hand, wash the face of the side, and then wash the other side with the same method. 先用清水洗洗屁屁再洗澡: First, wash your ass with clean water. 在洗澡之前用一小盆温水将宝宝的小屁屁清洗干净,然后再用浴盆里的水清洗其他部分,这样干净卫生,避免因为宝宝的屁屁较脏弄脏整盆水,中途还需要另换清水的麻烦。 In a small bowl of warm water before bathing the baby's little ass clean, other parts and then clean with the water in the tub, so clean, avoid because the baby's ass is dirty dirty whole basin of water, midway also need to choose another water trouble. 五,对付便便 Five, against poop 放双层的布尿布: A double cloth diaper: 如果不愿用纸尿裤,可以给宝宝自制双层的布尿布(用两层棉布叠放在一起),较薄的一层放在里面,较厚的一层放在外面,如果宝宝拉了臭臭可以直接将里面的一层扔掉或者只洗里面较薄的一层就可以了,省时又省力。 If you don't want to use diapers, baby can give homemade double cloth diapers (with two layers of cotton cloth together together), thin layer on the inside, thick layer on the outside, if the baby pulled the stinky can directly to the inside of a throw away or wash only inside thin layer of a layer, save time and effort. 准备一个小刷子: Prepare a small brush: 准备一个硬毛的刷子,顺着水流将粘在尿布上的便便刷掉,如果还有黄渍就用开水烫一下,用肥皂一洗就掉了。 Prepare a scrub brush that will stick to the diaper. If there is a yellow stain, use boiling water and wash it off with soap. 阴雨天用电熨斗帮忙: Rainy weather: 洗完的尿布最好能在阳光下暴晒,如果遇到阴雨天,也可以用电熨斗熨一下,既能消毒又能烫干。 The diaper that washes is best can bask in the sun, if meeting the rainy day, also can iron the iron with electric iron, can disinfect again can dry. 六,哄睡 Six, to sleep 准备一个小夜灯: Prepare a night light: 宝宝夜里一般都要醒来一两次,如果开特别明亮的灯容易让宝宝清醒,小夜灯的光线柔和,能让宝宝吃完奶后接着入睡。 The baby usually wakes up once or twice at night, and if the light is bright enough to keep the baby awake, the light of the night light is gentle enough to allow the baby to go back to sleep. 宝宝哭了不要着急喂奶: Baby cried don't worry about breast-feeding: 如果宝宝夜里哭一两声,不要着急喂奶,可以试着轻轻拍拍宝宝,看看宝宝能否继续入睡。 If the baby cries one or two at night, don't try to breastfeed, gently pat the baby and see if the baby can go to sleep. |
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