月嫂服务实用技能之食谱篇 |
添加时间:2017/9/16 15:07:09 浏览次数: |
月嫂服务实用技能 Practical Yuesao service skills 食谱篇 Cookbook 一个好的月嫂不仅要有丰富的护理经验、育儿经验,再就是做的一手好的月子餐。做月子餐学问大,需要掌握的技巧有很多,例如:为什么月子饮食要根据产妇体质而变化?产后女性的饮食因根据产妇的体质来安排。热性体质、寒性体质、中性体质的妈妈咯适合怎样的月子食补呢?希望通过本篇文章的介绍对月嫂学习制作月子餐、对新妈妈的产后康复有所帮助。 A good Yuesao not only have the nursing experience, rich parenting experience, then do a good month of meals. Do confinement meal big knowledge, need to master a lot of skills, such as: why confinement diet according to maternal physique and change? Postpartum female diet because according to the constitution of pregnant women to arrange. Hot body, cold physique, physical neutral mother, how suitable confinement food? I hope through this article to learn to make Yuesao month of meals, postpartum rehabilitation to help mothers. "GOOD "GOOD 中医认为,产后必虚,产后多瘀。女人在生孩子后大多表现出阴血亏虚或瘀血内停等征象,另一方面产妇还要以乳汁喂养婴儿,所以产妇的营养补充是否得当合理很关键。因此,月嫂要知道的是,产后妈妈养身必须要辅以食疗法。食疗又称食治,是根据传统中医药学中“药食同源,药食同功”的理论,有目的地选择具有一定保健作用或治疗作用的食物,通过合理的烹调加工,以达到养身保健、防病治病、益寿延年的目的。产后妈妈的饮食应以平补阴阳气血,尤以滋阴养血为主,可进食甘平、甘凉类粮食、畜肉、禽肉和蛋乳类食品,慎食或忌食辛燥伤阴,发物、寒凉生冷食物。 Chinese medicine believes that postpartum will be empty, postpartum blood stasis. Women in children mostly exhibit Yin deficiency or blood stasis signs, on the other hand to maternal milk fed infants, so the nutritional supplement is proper and reasonable is the key of parturient. Therefore, our need to know is that the body must be supplemented by a mother's diet. The diet is also called food therapy, according to the traditional Chinese medicine pharmacy "medicinal and edible, medicinal and edible function" theory, to choose a certain health care function or the treatment effect of food, through reasonable cooking processing, in order to achieve the health and disease prevention and treatment, the purpose of life. A mother's diet should be added to the Yin and Yang Qi, especially with nourishing Yin, can eat Ganliang Ganping, food, meat, poultry and eggs, dairy foods, or eat dry Yin Xin Shensi, cold food, cold food. 每个产妇的体质不同,在坐月子期间要选择的食物也不同,只有针对性的膳食,才能更好的调理身子,为宝宝提供充足的营养。在日常生活中,女性这三种类型的体质最为常见,小编现在依照这三种体质属性推荐其适用的食物,分析如下: Each mother's physique is different, in the confinement period to choose food is also different, only targeted diet, can better conditioning body, for the baby to provide adequate nutrition. In daily life, the three types of women's physique is the most common, Xiao Bian now in accordance with these three physical attributes recommend its applicable food, as follows: 1、寒性体质 1, cold constitution 特性:面色苍白,怕冷或四肢冰冷,口淡不渴,大便稀软,频尿量多色淡,痰涎清,涕清稀,舌苔白,易感冒。 Characteristics: pale, cold or cold limbs, pale mouth thirst, loose stool, frequent urination amount of polychromatic light, phlegm, mucus thin, white fur, easy to catch a cold. 适用食物:这种体质的产妇肠胃虚寒、手脚冰冷、气血循环不良,应吃较为温补的食物,如麻油鸡、烧酒鸡等,原则上不能太油,以免腹泻。食用温补的食物或药补可促进血液循环,达到气血双补的目的,而且筋骨较不易扭伤,腰背也较不会酸痛。 Suitable food: this Constitution of maternal stomach deficiency, cold hands and feet, poor blood circulation, should eat more nourishing food, such as chicken, Chicken in Soya Sauce soju, in principle, not too much oil, so as to avoid diarrhea. Eat nourishing food or medicine can promote blood circulation, to achieve the purpose of Qi and blood and bones, and is not easy to sprain, back is not pain. 忌食:寒凉蔬果,如西瓜、木瓜、葡萄柚、柚子、梨子、杨桃、橘子、蕃茄、香瓜、哈密瓜等。 Diet: cold Vegetable & Fruit, such as watermelon, papaya, grapefruit, grapefruit, pears, oranges, carambola, tomato, muskmelon, melon and other. 宜食:荔枝、龙眼、苹果、草莓、樱桃、葡萄。 Suitable for eating: litchi, longan, apple, strawberry, cherry and grape. 2、热性体质 2, hot physique 特性:面红目赤,怕热,四肢或手足心热,口干或口苦,大便干硬或便秘,痰涕黄稠,尿量少色黄赤味臭,舌苔黄或干,舌质红赤,易口破,皮肤易长痘疮或痔疮等症。 Properties: red eyes, afraid of the heat, limbs or hand foot heart hot, dry mouth or mouth pain, dry hard stool or constipation, thick yellow sputum tears, urine less color yellow red tongue yellow smell, or dry, red tongue body, easy to break, easy long pox or skin disease such as haemorrhoid. 适用食物:宜用食物来滋补,例如山药鸡、黑糯米、鱼汤、排骨汤等,蔬菜类可选丝瓜、冬瓜、莲藕等较为降火,或吃青菜豆腐汤,以降低火气。不宜多吃麻油鸡,煮麻油鸡时,姜及麻油用量要减少,酒也少用。 Suitable food: should use food to nourish, such as yam, black glutinous rice, chicken soup, pork ribs soup, towel gourd, wax gourd, lotus root vegetables optional more fire, or eat vegetables and tofu soup, in order to reduce anger. Should not eat more sesame oil, chicken, boiled sesame oil, chicken, ginger and sesame oil to reduce the amount of wine is also less. 不宜多吃:荔枝、龙眼、苹果。 Should not eat more: litchi, longan, apple. 少量吃些:柳橙、草莓、樱桃、葡萄。 Eat a small amount of orange, strawberry, cherry, grape. 3、中性体质 3, neutral constitution 特性:不热不寒,不特别口干,无特殊常发作之疾病。 Characteristics: no heat, no cold, no special dry mouth, no special diseases. 适用食物:饮食上较容易选择,可以食补与药补交叉食用,没有什么特别问题。如果补了之后口干、口苦或长痘子,就停一下药补,吃些上述较降火的蔬菜,也可喝一小杯不冰的纯柳丁汁或纯葡萄汁。 Suitable food: food is easy to choose, nourishment and medicine can not cross edible, what special problem. If the repair after the dry mouth, mouth pain or acne, stop medicine, eat the vegetables with fire, also can drink a cup of ice is not pure orange juice or pure Grape Juice. |
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