月嫂是专门照料月子的家庭服务员 |
添加时间:2019/12/5 17:14:00 浏览次数: |
月嫂并不是保姆。月嫂是专门照料月子的家庭服务员,月嫂所具备的专业知识是传统的保姆所无法比拟的。通常情况下,“月嫂”的工作集保姆、护士、厨师、早教师的工作性质于一身,并且月嫂上岗前都会经过严格、系统的培训,以便掌握更多的产后护理知识。 Yuesao is not a nanny. Yuesao is a family attendant who takes care of yuezi. The professional knowledge of Yuesao is incomparable to that of traditional nanny. In general, the work of "Yuesao" is a combination of nanny, nurse, chef and early teacher, and Yuesao will go through strict and systematic training before going on duty, so as to master more postpartum nursing knowledge. |
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